
Blog Hucksterism

I love Lichess, it is one of the few organizations that has people trying to keep the standard of blog-quality up by self-reflection from the community.
Yes we talked about this before. There are 2 points which I want to repeat.

1) What is a good remedy? Do we want moderators? ...

2) Do chessplayers have something interesting to say? Just by looking at the forums then I already make the conclusion that only an infinite small % is worth reading. I don't see much difference for blogs.
Great post.

I think that blog posts that are advertising anything should be forbidden, plain and simple. If not, you will always get the same no-content pieces which are just annoying because they are obviously trying to sell something. I am moderating an FB group dedicated to another sport (basically the main hub for it on FB) and we are very rigorous there in that regard. Otherwise, we would get flooded with nonsense without end.

Hard to understand why advertising is allowed on a website that is so staunchly non-commercial. Very few upsides and many downsides.
I resonate with this blog post. A lot of blogs are little more than advertisements for someone's course/website. It would be better if these posts were relegated to a specific forum section, rather than showing up on the front page.
One argument for allowing people who run a small chess business to post here is to allow some space for people outside the ecosystem to survive.
in this case you want the GMs and bloggers to live on what? it's a concrete question, a GM who travels to the other side of the world to play a tournament will not cover all his expenses, he will not make much profit, the smartest ones have understood this and are coaches, but It takes time so it's legitimate for them to advertise their courses and such, if you're not interested, just don't read. this blog is wonderful, these are very nice words from a player who spends 99% of his time on the forums offering sand and air with jokes stuffed or coming out of formalin. outside of the world top20, I've never heard of a wealthy GM flaunting their wealth (otherwise they wouldn't play on Lichess!), but if you're a millionaire, don't hesitate to tell us for free how you got it. We may have the explanation of why you only ever play correspondence. the reference to the circus makes me think that this blog is supposed to make people laugh, have you chosen the wrong site or have you opened a cheap joke museum?