FM ViniciusRego Lichess coach picture

FM Vinicius Rego

Improve your Chess with me!

LocationRio de Janeiro Brazil
LanguagesPortuguês, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 224026652385
Hourly rateAsk me about that.
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I am 41, teacher, Brazilian. I love physics and Chess.

Playing experience

I've already played in many countryies. I got my first IM norm just before I got maried. Since then I played less tournaments and dedicated time to family and coaching chess.

Teaching experience

I `ve already coached many players in Brazil. Plenty of them have reach Championchips. Actually I am coaching some players, and one of then is a lawyer and I `ve been coaching him for 11 years, and I use Lichess Plataform with him.

Other experiences

I` ve already teached chess in a School. Iniciate some guys in chess.
I am professor in a course of pos graduate and I teach chess there.

Best skills

I khow very well sicilian Dragon. It is a very good weapon!
To reach a good level of Chess is necessecery understand, end games, midle game and have a good openig repertory. I love end games as well.

Teaching methodology

I prepare lessons according of chess. level I prefer work concepts of each part. Openig, midlle game and end games.
I help the student to know himself better and make a good openig repertory.
I also give support at tournaments, preparing against oponents.