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10 Best Chess Books on Strategy:

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10 Best Chess Books on Strategy:

what is strategy in chess:

In chess, strategy refers to the overall plan a player uses to gain an advantage over their opponent. It involves setting long-term goals and making moves that contribute to achieving those goals. Unlike tactics, which are short-term and involve immediate threats and defenses, strategy is about the bigger picture of the game.
Here are some key elements of chess strategy:

• King Safety: Ensuring the king is protected from potential attacks.

• Pawn Structure: Managing the pawns in a way that they support each other and control important squares.

• Piece Activity: Developing pieces to active and effective positions.

• Control of Space: Occupying more space on the board to give your pieces greater mobility.

• Control of Key Squares: Dominating important squares, especially in the center, to restrict the opponent's options.

How to learn strategy in chess:

Learning chess strategy is a multifaceted process that involves understanding the principles of the game, studying classic games, and practicing regularly. Here are some steps to help you learn chess strategy:

Understand the Basics: Before diving into complex strategies, ensure you have a solid grasp of the rules, how each piece moves, and basic tactics.

Study Classic Games: Analyze games played by grandmasters to see strategic principles in action. Pay attention to how they develop their pieces, control the center, and plan their moves.

Learn Strategic Principles: Familiarize yourself with key strategic concepts such as pawn structure, piece activity, space control, and king safety.

Practice with Puzzles: Solve chess puzzles to improve your tactical skills, which are the building blocks of good strategy.

Play Regularly: Apply what you've learned in real games. Playing regularly helps you understand how to adapt strategies to different situations.

Review and Analyze Your Games: After each game, review your moves to understand what worked and what didn't. Use this analysis to refine your strategy.

Learn from Different Sources: Use books, online courses, and videos to learn from various perspectives.For example, offers a study plan for beginners covers the basics of piece play, pawn play, and making a plan.

Watch Instructional Videos: There are many instructional videos available that can help you understand chess strategy.For instance, Chess Talk's video on all chess tactics explained provide a foundation for building your strategic knowledge.

Use Interactive Tools: Online platforms like have interactive lessons that can guide you through strategic concepts and allow you to practice in real-time.

Get a Coach or Mentor: If possible, work with a coach or mentor who can provide personalized guidance and help you develop a deeper understanding of chess strategy.
Remember, learning chess strategy takes time and patience. It's a continuous process of learning, practicing, and refining your approach to the game. Keep challenging yourself and enjoy the journey of becoming a better chess player.

But here are the top 10 best chess books on strategy:

Additional Chess Strategy Books:

1. Modern Chess Strategy by Ludek Pachmanhttps:

• This book is considered one of the top resources in chess strategy. Pachman explains concepts in a clear and instructive manner, making it a great choice for players looking to understand the deeper strategic elements of chess.

2. Winning Chess Strategies by Yasser Seirawanhttps:

• Seirawan, a grandmaster, provides readers with strategic principles that can be applied at any stage of the game. His writing is accessible for beginners while still offering value to more experienced players.

3. Simple Chess by Michael Steanhttps:

• Focused on the fundamental principles of good chess play, this book breaks down complex ideas into understandable concepts, making it perfect for players who have just grasped the basics of the game.

4. Chess Strategy for Club Players by Herman Grootenhttps

• Aimed at intermediate players, this book helps bridge the gap between beginner and advanced play. Grooten offers insights into positional play and planning, which are crucial for club-level competition.

5. Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy:

Watson explores the evolution of chess strategy since the time of Nimzowitsch, offering a historical perspective as well as modern interpretations of strategic play.

6. Mastering Chess Strategy by Johan Hellstenhttps:

• Hellsten provides a comprehensive guide to various strategic concepts, complete with exercises to test the reader's understanding. It's a practical book that encourages active learning.

7. The Complete Book Of Chess Strategy by Jeremy Silmanhttps:

• This is a compilation of strategic wisdom covering every aspect of the game. Silman's approach is systematic and thorough, making it a staple in the library of any serious chess student.

8. Chess Strategy For Club Players:

• Another excellent work by Grooten, this book delves into the concept of positional advantage and how to achieve it. It's particularly useful for players who want to improve their mid-game.

9. The Chess Player’s Biblehttps:

• A versatile guide that covers everything from basic moves to advanced strategies. It's a well-rounded book suitable for players of all levels.

10. Endgame Strategyhttps

• As the title suggests, this book focuses on endgame play, an often-neglected phase of the game. It's essential reading for players who want to convert advantageous positions into wins.

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