
Ukraine crisis : everything you need to know....

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Everything you need to kbow without propoganda

A lot of anti-russian massages have recently swept through the forums, but none of them made it to why Putin acts the way he does. And for me, knowing why something happens is a key to understanding what happens and most importantly: what happens next. Background: Russia and Ukraine were part of the soviet union until the 1990s. This was when Ukraine broke away from Russia. Ukraine itself is a divided nation with a majority ethnic Russians in the east and ethnically white Russians in the west. After 1900, Ukraine had a pro Russian prime Minister and a pro west parliament, equally sharing power. This balance was destroyed after 2013, when the prime Minister, Janukowytsch, was pressured by parliament to resign, after some protests. With Ukraine now slowly shifting towards the west, Russians living in eastern Ukraine feared they would be negatively affected, like elsewhere (Gaza strip/nagorno karabakh/and a lot more). So they tried to break away from the Ukraine leading to the creation of lugansk and Donezk. Seeing Russian revolts in it's eastern half, the Ukrainian government turned to Nato, as they believed American troops could 'stop' rebels. This was a step too far for Putin, as American troops could be used for other things and he really does not want American troops near his border. So he did the only thing possible to stop the Ukrainian government from joining the west. Also, how do you think the Russian troops in the Middle East come from? What will happen next: a lot of countries have now denounced the Russians and tried to attack them using economic measures, and given that Russia is pretty formidable, nothing except appeasement will probably happen. What we can learn: basically nothing. Why I wrote this: I want to tell everyone I do not agree with this dumb, offensive dictator Putin thing in the forums. Of course it is still horrible to encounter this, but it is unfair to say Putin is the sole offender in the conflict. Had the government not disappointed the Russian half, nations like Lugansk and Donezk would never have been established. The Ukrainian government perused a far too aggressively westernized policy and probably relied on America too much. Thsi is my opinion on this conflict, pretty summarized and leaving out many details. I wish more people would actually look at why something is happening before deciding who is bad. But this is my opinion. This post is not meant as a political statement, but instead, as a call to understand what happens, before falling for whatever the media sais. I know many would disagree, saying stuff like I am influenced by mean Russian propaganda, but I want to know: did any western news ever tell you why Putin acts that way?
Thanks to @absicht_MAUERzuBAUEN