
Offering draw many times

Is there anyway to disable draw offer from appearing on the screen?
Because you know when your opponent offers a draw, and you play the next move, it automatically declines the draw.
I just find it very distracting when my opponent keeps offering me draw when it is really not a draw.
Maybe it is just me, but chess is a mental game, so I get irritated when my opponent offers me a draw not just once, but many times.

I brought this topic up already a few days ago, but everybody told me "naah, this is not such a problem, don't be a pussy."
Ok, it's the internet, I should have known in advance.
I block those guys. Repeated draw offers, especially as the weaker player in a bad position with less time, that is just poor etiquette, dont need that. Same with guys letting the clock run out before being mated, instablock.
IMO draw offers ought to be redesigned such that the offer remains in effect until (on a future turn) withdrawn. That way your opponent won't click the button multiple times and you won't receive multiple notifications.
This is already an issue on github to be resolved.
Another approach would be for the draw button to blink for one seconds instead of until you move. OTB this doesn't need to be regulated because people don't want to make fools of themselves by asking draws repeatedly. While online many people don't care for any kind of reputation. The care for one's reputation is the great moralizer!

Regarding the "don't be a pussy" comment, it is true that one may also welcome this as a way to learn to focus despite the distraction. After all in real life similar things can often happen and overcoming the distraction is not a bad skill to learn!
This thread gave me a cool idea. First off when your opponent offers a draw instead of some annoying visual and text, it would simply turn the draw button green indicating somebody could press it to accept a draw. Peaceful and let people spam all the want since it wouldn't be distracting.

Now another idea. What if when you pressed the draw button it would first get a green outline. This would be a normal single turn draw offer. If you pressed it twice it would turn completely green. What this would do is automatically offer a draw every turn. This would be for those situations where both opponents have like 3 seconds in a R v R ending and would rather draw than see who can cheese but where neither opponent has enough to time to offer/accept a draw.

Kind of hard to describe in text but I think it'd look and feel completely intuitive.

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